Wish fashion month kicking off and temperatures reminding us that Fall is just around the corner, we thought it was perfect timing to share our favorite fashion trends for next season. Layers, coats, sweaters…although we love being by a pool and basking in the sun, we’re also eager to switch over our wardrobe. If you […]

Being fitness enthusiasts ourselves, we were thrilled when Athleisure became a trend. Even better? It didn’t end up being just a trend – it became a lifestyle. Now, it’s hard to imagine a world without stylish workout clothes that can take you from the gym to lunch and beyond. But just five or so years […]

With summer travel in full swing (and lots of inspiration to choose from thanks to Instagram), it can be overwhelming deciding where to go next. Think about your ideal vacation. Would you rather be at an all-inclusive resort in Cabo with zero plans to leave the hotel, or experience the local street food of Cartagena […]

We love all things wellness, female-owned and carefully curated. So what happens when you put all of those things together? You have the perfect WKND (and no, that’s not a spelling error).

As much as we love practicing yoga at The Space Between and seeing your lovely faces in class, there’s something especially invigorating about settling into tree pose surrounded by lush jungle or getting into dolphin on an eco-friendly island. Whether you occasionally practice yoga and your favorite pose is Savasana or you’re a dedicated yogi […]

Welcome to nutrition month here on Between The Lines! When we initially came up with this theme, the first person we wanted to talk to was Mia Zarlengo (AKA @bitesbymi). We love how she creates recipes that are easy, healthy and delicious. Those are a few things that might be simple to achieve individually but […]

With so many diets out there, navigating it all can be overwhelming. Should we be Paleo? Vegan? On an all carb diet? (whatever Regina George says, goes…right?) But today we wanted to discuss a diet that’s whose intention is not to necessarily lose weight or to even focus on what you should be eliminating — […]

We hear a lot about gut health and our gut microbiome. But what does it all mean? Does it matter? How do we know if there’s a problem with our gut in the first place? Over the years there are several things that can contribute to an imbalance in our gut. Everything from mood swings […]

No one takes the “woo” out of “woo woo” like Lauren O’Connell (AKA The Modern Astrologer). And this is why we love her! When it comes to astrology, people fall on one of two ends of the spectrum. You’re either like “I’m not leaving my apartment until Mercury is out of Retrograde” or you just […]

Have you ever come across a close-up photo of someone surrounded by what appears to be clouds of vibrant colors? And possibly wondered what app they used for that? Hint: it’s not Huji. It’s actually an Aura photo. Yes, you can actually capture your Aura with a photograph. So how exactly is that done? Or […]